All of the pictures on this page were taken by Peter Jones,
I am indebted to him for allowing me to reproduce them here.

Click on any image to get the bigger picture




Back in the 1980s Steve Rose and Norm Wheeldon built a revolutionary dragster to compete in the Pro Comp class which was the equvalent of a combined Top Methanol Dragster and Funny Car class today.
It was revolutionary not only because it used the by then outdated front engined design, but also because it only had a small block engine.



Here are a couple of pictures of the car at an earlier stage of its construction.


Left - Norm Wheeldon demonstrates the sort of tyre growth you get with drag slicks.


Don't believe it could run sixes with a small block?  Check out the picture on the left.

On the right is a selection of the other brand new goodies that went into it.


It looks like Norm (right) and Steve are about to go racing.


I think Norm Wheeldon did all the driving and here he is all suited up and almost ready to go.



Dennis Stone (bending) and Gerry Andrews of the Stones' team examining the opposition.


PWe don't get much glamour down here in the bowels of the Acceleration Archive so let us enjoy these two shots of the first lady of drag racing Linda Vaughn.
On the right she is presenting a trophy to Top Fuel pilot Monica Öberg.
These, and all the remaining pictures on this page, were taken by Peter at Mantorp Park in 1982.


And here are a couple of pictures of Monica in her Top Fuel Dragster.


This is Bjorn Bergstrom's beautiful Expert-sponsored Pro Comp funny car.


We now have a few mystery cars which I cannot ID (no change there then).
First up is TF11 which as you can see was sponsored by SKF Steel.  Fortunately Harry Räikkönen from Finland has come to the rescue and tells me that this was Norwegian Ludwig Björnstad's car.



Harry Räikkönen also confirms that this is Tony Dönges car (sponsored by the Falcon Beer Company) racing Jim Read.  Thanks again Harry.



Fortunately I can tell you that this is Pelle Lindelöw.  There is a complete history of Pelle and P & G Racing on the Acceleration Archive which you can access from the site map or by clicking here.


No information on this great looking street car, I can't even make out what is written on the door.





Another good looking street car, this was driven by Marcus Tannfelt.



This Toyota Celica ran in Pro Stock and was called the Pro Gasser.  Long-time correspondent Anders Olsson from Swedish tells me that Nicke Andersson both owned and drove the Pro Gasser.


Sorry - no details on this superb B class competition altered.




Another great B/CA and another no ID.



A C class altered this time.  Sponsored by Pioneer it bears the delightful message "Have an eargasm" - well really!



To finish this page what better than a couple of shots of Schön & Andersson's very tidy looking Pro Stocker.

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