Photographic prints available   10 x 8 £10.00   14 x 11 £17.00 plus £1.50 p&p on all orders

Telephone 01904 490 466



Top Alcohol

Kagered at work on his TAFC


TAD final Mantorp 1992, Juha Leppanhan -v- Krister Johansson, I think Juha won


The ex-Haywood & Near car of Dezsoe Krivan


Miki Felstadt at Alastaro 1994.  This car was one of the first TAFCs to run consistently in the fives.  The car was Bjorn Ardin's ex-Brad Anderson funny car


I liked the funny car so much I bought a real one.  Leif Helander's Saab


Urs Erbacher's TAFC in the pits at Mantorp


God Bless America


Capone Racing


TAFC mags


Peter Kruse blows an oil line


Cannonball, about 1995, Urs Erbacher -v- Micke Kagered


Krister Johansson's TAD, these things really scare me


Krister Johansson helps out on Tony Donges' car


Peter Kruse signs an autograph in the pits at Santa Pod, Easter 1993


Kagered, Mantorp 2002


TAFC Indy 1994


Anita Makela's car in the pits at Alastaro


Tony Bartone in TAFC 1994, he would later drive a nitro FC for the WWF team


Tony Donges, Easter 1992


TAFC burn out


Leif Helander, remember when he fitted the Autorotor to this car, it was more out than in the body 



Top Fuel - 1

Top Fuel - 2

Photographic prints available   10 x 8 £10.00   14 x 11 £17.00 plus £1.50 p&p on all orders

Telephone 01904 490 466


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