Photographic prints available 10 x 8 £10.00 14 x 11 £17.00 plus £1.50 p&p on all orders
Telephone 01904 490 466
Jim O
Patrick Wikstrom, Mantorp 2002
The ex-Tommy Moller Pro Mod now owned by Thomas Nataas
Themed Pro Mod cars continue to add interest to an already popular class. Talking to a Die Cast Vendor in Richmond, he wished that someone would start making models of these cars, as he put it "I'd sell a bucket load".
Freddie Fagerstrom in the pits at Mantorp
Unknown Pro Mod, Richmond 2001
Mats Eriksson's Pro Mod '56 Ford, this car's body is moulded from one of Carl Ruth's nostalgia FCs
Thomas Nataas' Quest Racing engine
Hakan Nilsson's beautiful Camaro
Cirus Fagerstrom must be in town
Carl Moyer in the car that Cody Mac would later buy and race in NHRA
How long before a Pro Mod will run a five?
Nitrous -v- blowers, who cares which is better so long as they go fast!
Finnish Pro Mod
This is what Pro Mod is all about. Lots of nitrous and a spare engine for when you over cook it.
Mats Eriksson, '56 Ford
The Green Goblin
Roger Johnsson's Pro Mod at Mantorp 2002. As far as I know this is Tami Brander's last Pro Stocker with a lengthened front end
Quain Scott -v- Mike Janis
Alan Pittman
Johnny Rocca's Ironhorse, recently crashed in testing whilst going for a 5 second run
Lars Olsson's Mustang Pro Mod
Thomas Nataas
Photoshop a go go
Pro Mod in reflection
Canadian Al Billis -v- Paul Athey in Johnny Rocca's Ironhorse
Hakan Nilsson, the team worked all night following this pass
Tami Brander's wild Mondeo
Roger Johansson's Pro Mod Mustang
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Photographic prints available 10 x 8 £10.00 14 x 11 £17.00 plus £1.50 p&p on all orders
Telephone 01904 490 466
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