

Nick Mason &
Tracy Hrudka

Honorary Member


Linda Vaughn



Brian Taylor

Click here to read the Spring 2016 news update as always courtesy of and with many thanks to Nigel Holland.  You will be able to download the publication in pdf format if you wish.

Are you enjoying the music?  It plays just once and ceases as soon as you leave this page.  If you would like to buy a copy on CD (and by doing so make a small donation to ACAG funds) select the 'Merchandise' menu item on the left and scroll down to 'Ally Blue Hemi Fusion Dance Anthem' by Hypnotic Jazz and Ked Dieter.  Alternatively, read on and find out about ACAG and how it came into being.

ACAG are always looking to welcome new members so if you would like to join this elite band of nostalgia nuts click here.

If you arrived here via a link on the website
please click here to get access to the remainder of this site.